
When the cloud bursts – make sure you have an umbrella

The exponential rise of companies using the ‘cloud’ to facilitate their IT capability and data availability raises questions around how much due diligence has been carried out before trusting data to the myriad of third parties offering the service. The Megaupload situation where individuals and...

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Cybercrime – how safe are you?

Cybercrime is fourth on the list of risks contained in the Global Risks Report 2011 and can no longer be ignored. Karen Stephens, Director of Kestrel Group, says smart cyber criminals are always one step ahead of monitoring and anti-virus software companies in their endeavours to breach cyber...

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Exciting new services and ‘app’ on way

There’s lots happening at Kestrel Group not least of all the introduction of some new training and assessment services for our clients as well as the development of a crisis management ‘app’ for mobile devices. Training We regularly get asked by our clients where they can go to access training for...

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The insurance scene

One of the many new insights provided by the Canterbury earthquakes has been into the workings of the insurance industry. Natural disasters cause claims to cluster, as opposed to each claim being an independent random event, so insurance companies have to have special arrangements in place to deal...

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Lifetime membership honour for Dave Brunsdon

Dave Brunsdon, of Kestrel Group, has been awarded Life Membership of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering for his “energetic, strong and inspirational leadership” in the earthquake engineering field. The award, conferred on Dave at the Society’s annual conference in Christchurch in...

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Is your organisation prepared for the unexpected?